Tutorial 3: Collaborating with others on your website project
Tutorial 3: Collaborating with others on your website project
Info🚧 This tutorial is currently in outline form. Stay tuned for the full version!
- In this tutorial, we will guide you through collaborating with others on the same website project using GitHub.
- By the end of this tutorial, you will:
- Understand what a branch is and how to create one.
- Understand what a pull request (PR) is and how to create one.
- Learn how to review and merge a PR.
- Know how to resolve conflicts if they arise.
- Collaborate with others using GitHub, following best practices.
Create a new branch
- Navigate to your site's repository on GitHub
- Click on the 'Branch' dropdown menu, type a new branch name and press Enter
- Yay! You've created a new branch!
Make changes in the new branch
- Switch to the new branch in GitHub Desktop
- Open the /content folder of the repository in Obsidian
- Edit the about page
- Commit the changes in GitHub Desktop app and push them to the remote repository on GitHub
Create a pull request (PR)
- Go back to your site's repository on GitHub
- Click on 'New pull request'
- Select your branch from the dropdown menu
- Write a brief description of your changes, then click on 'Create pull request'
- Yay! Your changes are ready to be reviewed!
Review and merge a pull request
- Navigate to the 'Pull requests' tab in your repository
- Open the newly created pull request
- Review the changes, add comments if necessary
- If everything is in order, click 'Merge pull request', then 'Confirm merge'
- Yay! You've merged your changes into the main branch!
Resolving conflicts
- In case of conflicts between your changes and those on the main branch, GitHub will alert you
- Follow the on-screen instructions to resolve the conflicts and merge your changes